Its been a while...

>> Wednesday, January 28, 2009

but I have been so super busy with classes and even now I shouldn't be typing a blog, I should be finishing all of the work I have due tomorrow and then studying for the tests I have next week and working on the project I have due.... my head is spinning like crazy just going over that much in my head!

So as I mentioned, we got our wedding bands over the weekend and I absolutely LOVE them! Mine is a vintage looking diamond guard that fits all the way around my engagement ring and Josh's is a tungsten ring with a single diamond in the middle. It suits him very well. 

Sunday we're going to look at wedding dresses and I am so excited! I hope we find a perfect one! 

In other news, I am so proud of myself because I actually got up and worked out this morning, I was so proud! It felt really good. I really really want to try to start doing that three days a week. I only have to get up about 30 minutes earlier than I would normally. 

Oh, so Belle has started eating her poop. We think she's trying to hide when she has accidents in the house so she has decided that the best way to do that is to eat her poo... its pretty gross and she is no longer allowed to lick me. It makes me a little sad to know that she feels she has to eat the poo..... If anyone has any advice on how to discourage poo eating let me know.