Time for a Change.

>> Tuesday, January 20, 2009

I just finished watching the Inauguration coverage on CNN.com and I must say that President Obama's speech gave me chills. He is such an amazing public speaker I am in awe listening to him.

I am excited and hopeful for the future of the United States. I believe that we have a vision and ambition in the White House and that change will come. I'm not sure that all of the goals that have set can necessarily be achieved in the 4 years that President Obama will be in office because somethings take time, but I feel like America has elected someone who is proactive and will give our country what we need.

I'm sure many of you have been nervous throughout the campaign and were biting nails during the election and are now wondering about the outcome, if this new and historical day is an ominous one warning of dark times to come but I urge you to keep an open mind. To allow change to come, because in reality America needs a change. At this point, the best thing that everyone in our country can do is to pray, pray everday and pray hard. Pray like you have never done so before, because no matter what prayer is the only thing that can truely save our country from any threat we may face.

As citizens of the United States it is our job to support our President, our Commander and Chief. More importantly, as Christians it is our job and duty to pick up the Armor of God and to pray for our President. Pray for his protection and that of his family, pray for wisdom, and courage in the face of our foes, pray that he will turn to God for guidance and direction.

The United States has always served as a lighthouse in a dark world to those less fortunate, now is no different. Together we can be the beacon that our forefathers intended us to be. The world is looking and watching now, to see how the United States can handle change, to see if we really and truely have came has far as today's events show.

Listening to President Obama and watching him with his family, I can honestly say that I am proud to be an American and I am proud to support our 44th President and I pray that he will lead us, under God, into a new and glorious era.