Engagement Update numero uno...

>> Saturday, January 3, 2009

I figured this would be the perfect time to post consistent blogs and keep everyone updated on the engagement and wedding planning. I'll try to keep everything short and sweet :)

We are still thinking about dates, right now the first of August is in the lead (sorry to the summer haters.... that means you Shannon). But nothing is official, except for the fact that school seems to throw a giant monkey wrench into most good plans.... i'm either going to have to juggle school and planning or plan during the summer and get married in fall and not be able to take a honeymoon because of school.... so it seems that juggling planning and school is the only realistic option. 

I did get some good news today, my mema remember that she has a first cousin who lives in PCB and will let us us her house and private beach area.... YAY. That part is very exciting since a wedding on the beach is my dream.... guess they do come true after all :)


shannon January 3, 2009 at 6:29 PM  

Why is it that when it's your wedding suddenly "mema" aka: grandma (who I named first, as my right as the FIRST grandchild...) MIRACULOUSLY remembers a "first cousin" with a free beach house?! i dont remember this cousin ever coming up when i was planning a wedding or honeymoon...HUUUMMMMPH