The one where I confess my clumsiness....

>> Friday, January 2, 2009

The morning after Josh proposed, I was going to get into the shower and slipped as I was getting in. (In my defense it was a really big step because it was a whirlpool tub) 

The bottom was slippery from the night before when we used it so right as my foot hit the base of the tub it slipped and slams into the drain (one of those that twist down or you can remove it all the way out... which my foot did, btw) all of that happened simultaneously as my face slammed into the wall of the shower. The very loud noise alarmed Josh who yelled from the bedroom to see if I was ok. I shout back yes (as I'm spitting blood out of my mouth)

Now I have a nice half moon shaped cut and big black bruise in my cheek. And the bottom of my foot is SOOOOO sore, I have a feeling I'm going to develop a pretty nice bruise on that too.....

Pray for our kids.