The one where Hampton Inn screws you over on your engagement night...

>> Sunday, January 4, 2009

As everyone knows, Josh and I went to Hampton Inn in Helen for New Year's Eve when he proposed to me :D 

When I made the reservation I held the room with my debit card and very clearly told them NOT to run this card that I would be paying differently when I got there. I was assured that the card would not be run that payment would be settled upon checkout. Relieved, I hung up. 

When Josh and I checked in, I used the $100 gift card that his aunt and uncle gave us for Christmas to pay for the room and then we paid the remaining 10 in cash. I watched the girl swipe the gift card in there machine and we told her she could throw it away because we used all the money that was on it. We had a magical night and all was well....

Until yesterday when I went to check my bank account and saw that I was overdrawn due to a $100  debit from none other than Hampton Inn.... Josh and I and my mom have been on the phone all morning trying to get everything straightened out and we still have to wait to talk to another manager in the morning but its looking like unless his aunt and uncle happened to have kept the receipt for about 30 different Visa gift cards..... so anyway I will know tomorrow if I'm out about $200 or not.

keep your fingers crossed.