Instead of being super happy...

>> Monday, February 2, 2009

I feel a little like I'm drowning... very slowly (which I think is the only way you do that so whatever).

I got my wedding dress yesterday, which normally should be super exciting and I should still be riding the cloud nine happy train I derailed somewhere in the ocean and now I can't breathe. 

We got Josh's insurance statement yesterday and instead of it being the amount we were quoted when we signed on for State Farm in December it was about double! So I called them today and found out that apparently when we were getting our quote and everything a ticket or a wreck or something wasn't showing up so we had a lower price and it was just recalculated or reran or something and it showed up so not only did his premium increase we are having to pay back the difference from the three months that we'd originally paid. So now, his insurance payment is almost as much as his car payment, which we could barely afford to begin with, plus we have to come up with the money for other bills, and essentially I just don't know how its going to happen. I think we might drown. Slowly and surely. 

I'm so stressed out right now, I don't even know what to do. I don't know how I'm going to be able to even focus on studying or thinking about school because all I can think of is how we should be working. I don't know how I'm going to be able to afford to buy Josh a birthday present, let alone a Valentine's Day present. Basically, we can't do anything right now. 

Keep us in your prayers.


Heather Perrin February 2, 2009 at 3:53 PM  

i'm sorry about everything gretchen! i'll be praying for you guys. i know how distracting money issues can be. i told my roommate i was going to run out into traffic yesterday when i transferred money home and learned how incredibly bad the exchange rate is right now. money sucks and ruins our lives!

but for now, maybe you can get creative and make him some gifts!

i miss you!!!