snotty noses.

>> Monday, September 15, 2008

I think I'm getting sick. I'm all stuffy and congeseted... it really sucks. I'm sure Josh loves going in for a kiss only to be met with a sniffle and a snotty nose. How sexy.... whatever.

Isn't it funny how in class or in the car I think of such clever things that I want to blog about but when I sit down to do it, I can't think of what I thought about earlier.... that's probably not a good sign. Maybe its just because my life isn't that interesting... I just go to school and go to work and come home and love my man and my dog.... its that its uninteresting... its just.... well... not overly interesting.....
I did some budgeting in biology today and if I can somehow come up with $420 a week, I can be out of debt in a year..... wait, my two week paychecks are barely over $200... hmmmm... I think my calculations might be a little off.... oh well, life is a big money pit. But one day we'll be rich and have our house on the beach, and we'll go running and play frisbee and brody will play in the water and our kids will build sand castles... life will be great. Not that life isn't already great. I love my life.... I have everything I could ever imagine needing. I think I'm just a little greedy and I think that comes from being an only child. I dont' think anyone should ever be an only child... everyone deserves someone to play with.


shannon September 15, 2008 at 5:39 PM  

haha i agree, only children SUCK! just kidding, i love you. and when your children are burying themselves in sand i want you to remember me and the time that i played that game in my bathroom...with the pile of crap