just a quick update

>> Thursday, September 25, 2008

So I have been informed that I am a little behind in the whole blogging my life thing. Whatever, I'm busy.

But the biggest and best news that has happened lately is that Josh and I got a new puppy, she's an American Bulldog (yes, we are planning on breeding her with Brody) and her name is Belle. She's really the most gorgeous little puppy that you've ever seen and while at the moment she is a little frustrating because she is still learning everything I just absolutely cannot be mad at her (even when she chewed my laptop charger chord into many little pieces)....

You can see by her little picture that she is just a bundle of preciousness and if you could get mad at that then you have some serious issues.... Anyway....I'm trying to be a good student this semester and really focus and pay attention and do my homework, etc (as I type this during class) but its really hard sometimes, I feel like I have so much on my plate.

Somedays I feel like I'm going crazy trying to keep the house clean, cook, keep up with school, and still have fun. I'm so ready to be done, but I know that I just need to hang in there and everything will be so much better. In other news, Josh is getting ready to take his State Licensing Exam for real estate so I'm so excited for him, he can't wait to get started. I feel like things are going to turn around soon. I've started trying to be more organized and budget better so we can start saving some money, hopefully soon I can add wedding planning to my big hectic list of things to do.... =)