That's the number of times my car had to be jump started today... It all began this afternoon when I got out of class and started (or so I thought) to work. Mind you it was raining today and I of course forgot my umbrella so I'm pretty wet from walking to/from class. I get in my car and turn the key and... NOTHING. It clicked a couple of times but overall nothing....
Thankfully Mamma and Ricky had taken off work today for one reason or another and after a while I finally got ahold of them. I tracked them down at my Mema's house (which BTW I am her favorite.) They came and jumped me off and when I inquired as to whether or not I should even drive my car to Gainesville they assured me I should be ok.... just make sure I'm not the last one to leave from work.... reassuring.
That was jump off number one.... where you might say my parents who are supposed to love me kind of threw me under the bus.....
Number two came after work when as I got into my car and turned the key the radio came on but again NOTHING.... excepted that dammed clicking noise. Rachel jumped me off but something didn't feel right... it hesitated and the radio kept cutting in and out....
That was jump off number two.
I called Josh and told him that I had to be jumped again.... he told me to come strait home. But I needed to go by Best Buy and pick up one of his birthday gifts. I persisted. I figured it would be ok as long as I didn't turn the car off.... I thought wrong.
I parked in front of the doors turned my hazards on and went inside to get the present (which he loved btw) all was good until I came back out and turned off my hazards. With those lights went all the power from the car and it died. :(
I get out and scan the area for a safe looking person to ask for help. I spot a very large black man getting out of his truck and he reminds me of Big Black from Rob and Big so I ask him to help me and he pulls his truck up and we attach the cables and proceed to try and defibrillate my car back to life.... While this is happening a lady I know was heading into Best Buy and she stopped to make sure everything was ok and stayed to make sure I wasn't molested or taken hostage.... I wasn't but shout out to Kim Caldwell and thanks for looking after me!!!
While we were waiting a few more people stopped to make sure everything was ok and to see if I needed more help and I was really encouraged about society....
That was jump number three in case you lost count.
Now I'm safely back home and wondering how much car batteries are.... yay.