i want a baby.

>> Friday, December 12, 2008

That's right. I said it, I want one... really really bad.

I know that I have plenty of time and that Josh and I aren't even married (and yes, I want to wait until we are) but I just want to be a mother more than anything in the world! I see babies, and people with babies and I know that I could be a good mother! I just can't wait!

Ok, now that is out... 2 and a half hours left to work. I can make it through 2 and a half hours... right?! Hopefully we'll win the lottery tonight and then i just won't come back to work period. Keep your fingers crossed.

My phone contract is up next month and I would like to get either a blackberry Curve or an iphone... i can't decide. the iphone is awesome with all of its applications and stuff, but it also has a flat touch screen which means that my texting skills would majorly suffer... i don't know... but the applications are so awesome and I could put my music on there and use it like my ipod! if you have any opinions, let me know....