Plot to steal a baby dinosaurous....

>> Wednesday, October 15, 2008

So again, I was commanded to post another blog so this one is about how I want to steal a baby dinosaur. But not just any baby dino... a very specific one! I want to steal a Cooperasarous! (pictured to the right...)
That's right Shannon... I'm hatching a plan...and I thought about going into detail here, but then I realized that you read this and that would be foolish..... but just know, that it will be the greatest plot ever... perhaps while he is under the watchful eye of the cats I will slip through the woods and snatch!!! mwahahaha.......
In other news, I had a test today, I have one tomorrow and one Tuesday... I'm so tired of studying and of tests... they are dumb. Also, Josh and I went to Dialog in the Dark Friday night and I highly recommend it for everyone!!! In short, you basically live the life of a blind person for about an hour... it is so incredible, its hard to even describe it. The best line I suppose would be their little catchphrase thing "your senses will never be the same"
its true.
Also, there is only 71 days until Christmas and I am starting to hit panic mode wondering how on earth I am going to be able to accomplish everything I have to do between now and then! Oh goodness....
and two... Josh and I have the best Halloween costumes ever this year! I will post pictures after the party!