So once again, I have been told that I am behind on my blogging. I know, I know I am... its sad really.... I've just been so busy with school and work and sometimes, but blogging has to go on the back burner, and also, sometimes I just don't feel like my life is really quiet interesting enough to blog about... but things have been quiet exciting around here.
For one, little girl is finally starting to get the hang of the whole going potty outside thing, which is a BIG relief! She's growing so so fast! She has one more appointment in 3 weeks for her last parvo booster and then she's done! YAY!!!! They (Belle and Brody) still seem to be playing really really rough, but I'm not sure if that should concern me because she doesn't really yelp, I know that they have to play to learn the rules and how to interact, I just thing of her as being so delicate all the time. I can't even imagine when I have kids....
So, I must confess I've kind of become addicted to Desperate Housewives.... I still don't know everything that is going on, but I started watching it on Lifetime during my break on Tuesdays and Thursdays... I feel like this might could be bad for my horrid little habit of procrastination..... but it will kind of suck you in....
I've also been trying to drink more water, I think I'm getting dehydrated... which, FYI everyone is actually in a state of constant dehydration..... so tip of the day, drink more water! Its yummy.
Little girl is trying to get up on the bed and I think she smells like pee.... which isn't surprising because she hasn't quiet learned yet not to step in her pee when she's done... she's special...
Oh, and quick request, I added this gadget on my page called adsense. I can earn money based on the number of times an add is clicked on from my page... so if you don't mind, please visit every day or every couple hours of whatever and click away! And if you have blogger and you put this on yours, I will click too! Thanks mucho mucho!
xoxo, Gretchen