the one where Belle's face is completely covered in mashed potatoes.

>> Saturday, March 21, 2009

I have been meaning to post for a while, many things have happened in the past few days or weeks but I've been to busy really... however what happened last night has basically forced me to give everyone an update... 

we had dinner last night and I had our plates on the counter with the food we didn't eat (some shells and cheese and mashed potatoes) I took Belle out and when I brought her back in, I left her in the kitchen and went back into the bedroom to get something. When I came back into the kitchen to find Belle standing up with her paws on the counter her face absolutely COVERED in mashed potatoes... It was all I could do not to laugh, unfortunately she had to get a spanking and go in her crate, I only regret that I didn't get a picture. It was hilarious....

In other news, Nissan sucks big fat monkey balls. I will post more about that later. Right now I must get ready for our date today.... Josh is taking me to the zoo! YAY