Darn Fool Space Program....

>> Monday, November 24, 2008

I heard on the news this morning that they are spending billions of dollars to send some people up to fix the water system on some space station.... I don't think I have to revoice how this disgusts me...

But just in case that you didn't read the post about how I hate the space program, I do... I think its a giant drain on the economy and waste of money. Why should my tax dollars be spent to fix toilets in space? Riddle me this, why the heck can't they give these so called astronauts who are supposed to be like the smartest people ever a crash course in basic plumbing? WHY?!?! That way, they could fix their own *puppy* toilets and water systems!

On a happier note, it is basically a month before CHristmas and I am SO excited! I absolutely cannot wait to decorate. I'm having to force myself to wait until Thursday night. We are going to have the best looking tree ever, I bought our "Our First Christmas" ornament Saturday, we're going to get a picture of the four of us to go in it, so cute! And I think my future mother-in-law might be staying with us for a few days at Christmas, and I am beyond happy! YAY CHRISTMAS!!!!


Healthy Puppy!!!

>> Tuesday, November 18, 2008

Belle went to the vet today for her last booster shot, now she's good for a year! YAY, it seemed like every time I turned around it was time to go back to the vet, thankfully we're done for  a while!! She is a perfectly healthy wildly rambunctious heathen who is absolutely precious.... when she's asleep.... She weighs almost 30 pounds and this is what she and Brody do all day until someone new gets home for them to show off for: 


Magic In the Air

>> Thursday, November 13, 2008

I just felt like writing a new blog so that I can post some pictures of the most precious and wonderful dinosaur in the whole world! 

In other news, I'm almost done with school this semester, YAY!! Only a few more weeks, and since in college you don't go to the same classes everyday it makes it seem even faster so there... then, its time for Christmas! And I am so excited for Christmas!! I have an amazing man to share everything with this year and it all just seems even better, I'm looking forward to decorating so much! I get excited driving through the square now because they've started hanging the lights in the trees and it just seems so magical! I love it. I CAN'T WAIT!!!!! YAY!

Here are the pictures you've been promised:


Bank of America=THE DEVIL

>> Monday, November 10, 2008

so essentially, if you didn't figure out from tht title, I absolutely without a doubt, HATE bank of America. I believe that they are the root of all evil and should be put out of business. I would like to recommend to anyone who may read this to NEVER EVER unless maybe and only maybe if you have a gun to your head open an account with Bank of America. They will charge you for everything, their rates are high, they're customer service is probably worse than that of Nissan (see previous post), and to top it all off for a bank of AMERICA no one can speak ENGLISH!!!! See, here's my delimma (I don't think that is spelled right):

Before the ex and I went splitsville we got a credit card together. Meaning I got a new credit card because I have impeccable credit and his sucked (I mean, dude filed bankruptcy sucks) and his name was added as an authorized user on MY credit card. I will admit, I made the majority of purchases, no problem... got a sweet camera and an ipod touch. YAY me. Well, his plane tickets as well as mine (which I never used) were also put on this card. So when I met the man of my dreams and left his punk ass I also figured that since he is spiteful and had the card numbers I should probably pay it off and cancel it so that I didn't wind up paying for his hookers or whatever he likes to buy. So I did. Which in turn maxed out my credit card with Bank of America... which I didn't know at the time, but its pretty much like signing a contract with the devil and should never be done. (Bank of AMerica being the devil in this case). Anyway....
I have since then been trying desperately to pay off this devil contract buy giving them as much as I can possibly afford from every paycheck to try and get the balance down. And every time I get under that limit, they hit me with a *puppy* finance charge which brings the total right back up to the max or usually a little over. WTF!!!!!!!!!!!!
So today I make what was a very forced curtious phone call and had a chat with Juan. (again, I must mention how they dont' really do that whole english language thing) And Juan trys his best to explain to me how my finance charge was higher this month than last month despite the fact that my total balance was lower this month. So I, what I consider as polite as possible, informed him when he asked me if I understood what he was saying that Yes, I understood that bank of america was basically telling me that for a full time college student barely getting 40 hours on a paycheck at 8 an hour was essentially *puppied* for doing business with bank of america. I also informed him of my complete and utter dissatisfaction with bank of america from the first moment i opened the account. He asked if I would like to speak with someone else who could set me up on a payment plan. I informed him I would have to call back because I was very frustrated and did not want to be unnecessarily rude to someone.

I HATE BANK OF AMERICA. I beg you please NEVER EVER open an account with them. Even if they offer to give you a toaster. DON:T DO IT!


A vent about Nissan

>> Tuesday, November 4, 2008

I hate Nissan. Their customer service level is so far below anything that could be considered good its is ridiculous. 

Before Josh and I moved I sent our change of address to them not once, but TWICE! When we received the statement again after I sent the change the first time I did it again. We also filled out a forwarding request through the postal service. However our nissan payments have not been being forwarded. We only get them once they now have become late statements. We just received a statement that said it was due on OCTOBER 14. It is now NOVEMBER 4. How does this mishap keep happening?! How can they not send us a statement until it is already late. THAT IS NOT FAIR!!!!! 

What else is not fair, well it is, it is more frustrating to me because I'm having to deal with it, is that when I try to call them to talk with a person over the phone and make sure that someone with a name takes down the CHANGE OF ADDRESS they won't talk to me because I am not on the account. Even if I tell them that I am his wife they won't talk to me. They will take my money so I can pay for it, but they won't let me do absolutely anything with his account. Which, I suppose is good so that just anyone won't mess with the account, but then again, why would just anyone have the account number. Some of the things in life do not make sense. 

I have this to say, if you are looking at a Nissan, you will not be disappointed in the quality of the vehicle, I absolutely LOVE our X-Terra but absolutely HATE people who work with Nissan. They are in no way helpful or worth anything. 

And that is that.